I, Erazor OTB, after having received the blessing of Baron Cian of The Homeless, hereby transfer my oath of fealty and of those men who follow me to Duke Tibador of Realm of Kirdain.
I swear that the OT Brotherhood will continue its service to the kingdom it swore to defend and protect and uphold the Crown, the Carta Solis, and the Common Law of Hyperion. I also swear that all agreements regarding taxation and military service between the Brotherhood and Duke Tibador will be honored.
The OT Brotherhood will maintain its residence in Tiquiya for as long as Duke Tibador requires our presence there.
Signed in the presence of Primordial Mole of the OT Brotherhood to be delivered to and reviewed by Baron Cian of the Homeless and Duke Tibador of Realm of Kirdain for approval,
-Erazor OTB