I, Idle Atre, Chieftan Pro Consul, of the clan of FreneZy, do swear my fealty to the Doge of the Crowned Republic of Aquileia to fight at his side offering the axes of my soldiers and hammers of my crafstmen to aid in the mutual defense of the Kingdom of Hyperion.

I pledge my barbaric hordes to crush and smash the skulls of the enemies of Hyperion to see their blood run like the swift rivers that cut through our tribal lands.

Together with our fellow clans we pledge a tribute of 10.000 gold, 10.000 wood and 10.000 stone to be paid each week to the Crowned Republic of the Silver Sun.

I pledge to uphold the Crown and the House of my Lord, Doge Brandor de'Medici.

Idle Atre
Chieften Pro Consul of FreneZy