NIRA NATHAIR, Royal Queen of Heralds, HYPERION
To all the PEOPLE of the greater Kingdom of Hyperion, Greetings.

HAVING WITNESSED this day's events in the Cathedral of Auros Apollon, and being of a mind that news of such historic occasions should be saved and shared with all of Hyperion's people, both today and in posterity, I submit to you my account.

On this, the eighth day of the eighth month of the eighth year (a date of no little significance among the Ordo Solis et Lunae), the Carta Solis has been signed, His Majesty Manus Dei created King of Hyperion, and the first royal peers of Hyperion named!

The Cathedral was packed. People from throughought the lands had gathered to see the days events. Those who could not sit or stand inside spilled out into the streets, where even the beggars put aside their work and gathered to watch the occasion as brothers to the merchants and warriors and servants.

The mood was solemn when first the lords came to the table before the altar. For although the events were much anticipated and celebrated throughout the lands as a great advancement for all of our people, the Lords recognized to a man the tremendous importance of this allegiance in these dark times for Agon, and the significance of the oaths they were about to make. For it is only together under Auros that we may stand against the dark hearts of orcs and men, and if we should fail, then as one we shall fall.

I presented to the assembled lords the heavy scroll upon which the Carta Solis had been scribed by his Majesty's own pen. (Many recent nights indeed I saw the light of candles from under his door burning unquenched, until replaced by the rays of the morning sun.)

~The heavy iron rods to which the scroll is affixed betray the importance His Majesty and all of the Lords of Hyperion place on the Carta Solis: how heavily it weighs on them to uphold it; how long it endures unchanged in the passage of seasons, unbreakable; how strong it makes us together, held fast as arms against the dark.

~The four globes affixed one to the end of each rod, two golden, two silver, speak to the value His Majesty and the Lords place on the Carta Solis: in a world of chaos, a great union of dwarf, elf, and man stands strong; in a land of constant struggle, it is this union which we value above all else; and as a reminder of the power the Sun, and the Moon, and great Auros give us against the forces of darkness.

It is this great gift to the people of Hyperion which I laid out before them. And though more mundane copies would later that day again be signed and taken throughout the land as legal record, there was a definite sense that this one, this first, was Hyperion. They each in turn held it in their hands, and the mood of each man as he felt the strength and the beauty of our bond made material was subtly but strikingly changed. I can only guess from my own humble feelings the great sense of purpose, of duty, of pride, of joy each man felt, although it was obvious from their faces that as Lords they felt it a hundred times more.

As each man signed, a smile came to his face. (I have no doubt that one or two of them will deny it was so if questioned, but pay them no heed. They smiled.) And the growing sense of joy swept throughought the people assembled there, until the cries of joy broke into a great cacophony as the last man penned his name to the scroll.

The assembled Lords of Hyperion then raised the new King upon a shield, standing tall above his people, and carried him around the inside of the Cathedral. Not to be outdone, the fighting men of all the lands of Hyperion then took him upon their shoulders and bore him all around the outside of the Cathedral, so that the people who had gathered there from all the lands could see their new King.

When brought back in before the laughing lords and let down again, His new Majesty stood up on the pulpit and received fealties from each of the major lords in turn, accepting their oaths and creating them as the first peers of the Kingdom of Hyperion. These ceremonies were traditional and I will leave the details to the scribes, but know that the day ended in great rejoicing well into the night!

I have collected copies of the oaths of fealty of the major lords, as sworn to His Majesty before the people of Hyperion, to be sent and kept along with this account for posterity.

Yours in service,

Nira Nathair, Queen of Heralds, Hyperion