In black robes, with a golden crown on the breast, Sheriff Kyrendis Varen approaches the dais and kneels before the king.

I, Kyrendis Varen, being of sound mind and health, do hereby pledge myself in service to the Kingdom of Hyperion and the Crown for which it stands in perpetuity as Lord Justicar of Hyperion.

I swear to uphold the law, to preside over the Judicial Branch, to appoint as Sheriffs and Praefecti only those who I feel can see justice served as it should be: Impartially and Truthfully.

I swear to build on the Common Law. To create a unique Criminal, Civil, and Industrial set of laws to streamline the system, and to support transparency so that all may read and understand these laws.

I swear that if one of these laws becomes difficult or impossible to enforce, or is opposed by a majority of people, I will do my best to see that law changed, for though a law has been written down, it ought not always to remain unaltered.

Finally, I swear my allegiance to His Majesty the King of Hyperion and his successors, to Justice, and to the People of the Nation, I swear to be faithful and true to them as long as I still draw breath, so help me Auros.