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View Full Version : Walking the Path of Light

Siverous de'Medici
08-02-2008, 04:27 AM
What does it mean to walk the Path of Light?

Surely one who kills evil creatures is a good man, but even the Corrupted engage in the wanton destruction of evil beings.

Surely one who donates his wealth to further the Kingdom is a good man, but even one who is motivated by greed can donate goods in order to gain favor.

Surely one who obeys the law is a good man, but even cowards obey the law out of fear of reprisal.

Do not confuse a good man with one who walks the Path of Light. There is more to serving our Father then simply seeking to be a good man, more to His teachings then simply wishing to be seen as a pure soul.

To walk the Path of Light, one must surrender his mind, body, and soul to the service of Auros. He must live his life to serve our Father. He seeks out and destroys evil, but not for personal gain or glory; he does so in service to our Father. He donates his livelihood, but not so it might be returned to him in some other form; he does so because it betters the world in which he lives. He spreads the teachings of Auros, but not because it is expected of him; he does so because it is a joy to bring the light of Auros to those who dwell in darkness. He does good deeds, but not because he may be rewarded for them; he does so because in serving others he is served. He cleanses the benighted, but he is not motivated by fear, hate, or greed; he kills out of compassion and strikes with joy in his heart, for he knows that it is salvation he sends them to.

The ranks of the Below are filled with those who sought to be good men. Seeking only what was best for their families and Kingdom, they fell to the alure of greed, and the whispers of the Red Prince. Walk the Path of Light, and do not fall into the trap of the good intentioned.