View Full Version : Oath of Fealty - Epic

Evades Dreadd
05-04-2009, 08:33 AM
As leader of the Epic guild, Evades Dreadd, I do here by swear and pledge my fealty and unflinching loyalty to the Realm of Kirdain and to my Lord Tibador Greymarch and make a pact to defend and work towards reaching his goals.

Evades Dreadd
Leader and founder of

05-04-2009, 08:45 AM
I accept Thee as Sir Evades Dreadd of Epic as part of Realm of Kirdain under said terms may this unity bring about a stronger Shire and Kingdom.

Isobel Alagos
05-04-2009, 08:53 AM
The Royal Chancery finds this oath to be in good order and is hereby recorded and shall be updated in the Hyperion Manifest. May Sol shine brightly on you both and all of Hyperion.
