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View Full Version : Oath of Service of Royal Sheriff - Cali LeGaude

Cali LeGaude
04-04-2009, 08:32 PM
I, Cali LeGaude, pledge to His Majesty King Manus, and to the Kingdom as a whole, myself in service as Royal Sheriff. I further pledge to uphold the laws of the Carta Solis and the common law of Hyperion and to act in a unbiased manner in upholding those laws set down.

I shall endeavor at all times to always act impartially and without prejudice and I shall come to my decision about the matter without regard to personal acquaintance or favour for those who may be involved, that I may do so unbiased and with the concepts of justice and fairness ever in my mind; to punish the criminal and give recompense to the victim, and to establish the Rule of Order in a realm so full of Anarchy and Chaos.

I shall follow the guidance as set down by the Lord Justicair. I will perform my duty to the best of my ability. If I am found to be lacking in my position, I do affirm that I serve only by the grace of the Crown, and would step down if so requested.

So sworn in this, the first year of the reign of His Majesty King Manus Dei I.