All users of this forum, Hyperion and non-Hyperion members alike, are expect to behave in accordance with the rules of this forum.
  1. No user may excessively communicate the same idea or phrase, nor may any user create any post or thread with the purpose of causing disruption. No user may create spam within the community.
  2. No user may excessively insult, attack, or otherwise harass another forum user with malicious intent. Harassment in the form of posts, thread creation, or private messages may fall into this category and moderators are at their discretion to enforce this rule as they see fit.
  3. No user may make excessively derogatory or pejorative statements regarding race, sex, or religion with malicious intent through the creation of posts, threads, or private messages.
  4. No user may post any form of pornography, link to any site containing pornographic material, or make excessive commentary about related subjects. No user may post, link to, discuss, or link to a site which contains references to excessive violence or sexual content.
  5. Unless otherwise explicitly specified by the topic of a particular sub-forum, no user may discuss any form of real world politics or religion.
  6. No user may post, discuss the methods of obtaining, discuss, link to, or link to any site which contains any form of illegal or malicious software.
  7. No user may dispute moderator actions on this forum through the creation of posts or threads. Disputes must be handled by private message with the moderator who took the action, their local Liege Lord, or their local Magnate.

Failure to follow these guidelines may result in limited forum access and, in extreme cases, exile from the Kingdom at the discretion of King Manus or by your local Magnate. Violations to these rules are handled by Infraction, which will result in bans at certain intervals. Infraction points expire after 3 months. Minor violations of these rules will gain users one infraction point, moderate violations will gain users four infraction points, and major violations will gain users ten infraction points. Executors, your local Magnates, and King Manus are all at their discretion to provide additional penalties to these rules.

Users will be suspended for a period of days equal to the amount of active infraction points they've achieved, starting at three. Therefore, a user with no infraction points who receives a moderate infraction (four points) will be suspended from the forums for a period of four days, while if this user sustains a minor infraction (one point) no other action will be taken than the accumulation of a single point on his record for the next three months. A user who has two active infraction points and receives a minor infraction (one point) will be suspended for three days.